Special Enrollment Period Announced for Tennessee

Special Enrollment Period: Tennessee Emergency Declaration - Inclement Weather and Tornadoes


Please be advised that a state of emergency was declared by FEMA, impacting individuals in certain Tennessee counties. This declaration allows for a one-time Special Enrollment Period (SEP), in the event beneficiaries were unable to make an election during another qualifying election period. Please reference the following guidelines for the incident period. This SEP applies to the following counties in Tennessee.

Important Compliance Information

Who is eligible:

This SEP opportunity is ONLY available to beneficiaries who:​

  • Reside, or resided at the start of the SEP eligibility period described in this guidance, in an area for which a federal, state or local government entity has declared a disaster or other emergency or they do not reside in an affected area but rely on help making healthcare decisions from one or more individuals who reside in an affected area; and
  • Were eligible for another election period at the time of the SEP eligibility period, and;
  • Did not make an election during that other valid election period due to the disaster or other emergency.


Impacted Counties: Cannon, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Lewis, Macon, McNairy, Rutherford, Tipton, Wayne

Incident Period: The incident period is March 31 – April 1, 2023. The declaration was announced on April 7, 2023.

Timeframe: Effective immediately, individuals meeting the requirements listed above can enroll, dis-enroll, or switch MAPD or PDP plans until June 30, 2023.

*Note: Eligible enrollments will be effective the first of the month after the application has been processed.


Agents can accept/submit a Medicare Advantage or Prescription Drug Plan application by the beneficiary’s request through the following steps:

  1. Obtain a compliant Consent to Contact (C2C).
  2. Capture a compliant Scope of Appointment (SOA).
  3. Host a compliant 1:1 appointment.
  4. If the beneficiary is prepared to enroll, complete an application noting this SEP, either by selecting the Emergency or Major Disaster option or writing Inclement Weather and Tornadoes in the Other option. WARNING! Only select one election type.

If you have any questions, call us today at 866-568-9649!


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Charlotte, NC 28227

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9441 Lyndon B. Johnson Fwy Suite 512
Dallas, TX 75243

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